STORM 10K Pull Up Challenge
Army unit uses basic excel labour in recording information. No automation in place and everything is done manually from recording scoring to updating total score. Auditing and integrity of informtion is absent.
A system where judging can easily be done with automated computation and multiple neutrals can access via the cloud to assist in more efficient scoring.
Coming up with a scope that resolves the problem.
Ease of use is of clear importance in this project due to the need to administrate for at least 100 competitors at any one time.
Technical design in data updating and transaction in periods of heavy load is very important with multiple neutrals administrating at the same time.
Ability to export all information helps with auditing and assists in process of confirming final award of prizes.
High fidelity prototype built and deployed to facilitate testing on smaller scale activities and gather user feedback on improvements.
SPA (Single Page Application)
All information should be accessible with a click of a button in the single page. Allows for quick access to all statistics and services. A single task of multiple actions are placed close together and building on top of a users cognitive ability in inputing forms, "Enter" or "Return" button brings them to the next action.
Small scale testing allows to identify possible issues. Statistics obtained in smaller tests can be estimated exponentially to what might occur during final product.
Final product deployed on the cloud to allow for easy access to service with as little onboarding as required.
UI Framework
Built with Bootstrap as familiarity to controls are abundant with many high user base applications already using it at the time.
Design that caters to all screen sizes ensures neutrals on any device can also access the services without UI issues.